4 research outputs found

    Out Of Place: Stone Architecture And Pastoral Nomadism In Prehistoric Inner Asia

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    How architecture reflects the configuration of physical and social spaces among prehistoric pastoral nomads is a topic scarcely explored in the archaeology of Inner Asia, not least because the common preconception is that structural remains are not in keeping with the mobile lifestyle. Yet, the juxtaposition of these two seemingly contrasting strategies of human subsistence forms an interesting paradox that underlies precisely the nature of nomadism. Accordingly, this study questions how pastoral nomads relate to stationary structures and the idea of a locale. To do so, it draws on the archaeological record of stone architecture in the Bortala River Valley of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, an area where pastoral nomadism developed in the second and first millennia BCE. With data collected from survey and excavation, this study employs GIS, statistics, and 3D photogrammetry to examine the environment and building patterns of these stone structures on three spatial scales. Built in simple geometric forms recurring in space and time, they correspond typologically to different epochs of human habitation, funerary and ritual activities. Instead of approaching the material typologically, however, this study questions the connection between site selection and architectural design and how the prehistoric landscape of Western Tian Shan was shaped. Three characteristics of place-making and space use are identified. First, the significance of these sites is reinforced through recurring access of specific locations and the adherence to certain building codes. Second, the aggregation of building components over time, like the symbolisms they carry, is cumulative and continuously reconfigured. Third, spatial knowledge is communal. It is anchored to a cartographic palimpsest comprising diverse forms of architecture and art. These preliminary observations form the basis for further modeling, in future research, the logistics of building and cultures of space use among early pastoral societies in Inner Asia on more explicit timescales and in more defined spatial forms

    SÀkerhetsevaluering av stötdÀmparsystems kommunikation- och uppdateringsprocesser. : Hotmodellering med vehicleLang och securiCAD

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    As the automotive industry becomes increasingly reliant on digital systems it is of utmost importance that these systems are secure. Secure systems are of interest both for the general public as well as manufactures. This Master’s thesis evaluates potential cybersecurity solutions for a proposed damper system prototype developed by Öhlins Racing AB. A systematic literature study was performed to identify known vulnerabilities of similar systems as well as potential cybersecurity solutions. A threat model was constructed using vehicleLang, the Meta Attack Language, and securiCAD. The model was created utilizing preexisting assets from vehicleLang and a newly implemented Bluetooth asset. The result from the systematic literature study was used to validate preexisting attack steps and also to create the Bluetooth asset. To validate the model, experts in the field of automotive security and/or threat modeling were asked to assess the model. Using Cochran’s Equation, a target of eight expert evaluations were decided. Unfortunately, only seven evaluations were obtained, equivalent to an increase in the error margin from 25% to 26.6%. However, of the seven expert evaluations obtained none indicated the existence of critical flaws within the model. The model was therefore considered a good reflection of the damper system and its security aspects. Critical defenses included the utilization of cryptography, mutual authentication, and on-the-fly decryption. These defenses were shown to prevent unauthorized modifications of firmware and protect Öhlins intellectual property in form of source code. While it was not possible to defend against all attacks the identified defenses would increase the safety and security of the system, benefiting not only Öhlins but also overall road users. Allt eftersom fordonsindustrins beroende av digitala system ökar Ă€r det av yttersta vikt att dessa system Ă€r sĂ€kra. SĂ€kra system Ă€r av intresse för bĂ„de allmĂ€nheten likvĂ€l som för systemtillverkarna. Denna masteruppsats evaluerar potentiella cybersĂ€kerhetslösningar för en föreslagen stötdĂ€mparprototyp utvecklad av Öhlins Racing AB. En systematisk litteraturöversikt skapades med syfte att identifiera kĂ€nda sĂ„rbarheter av liknande system och potentiella cybersĂ€kerhetslösningar. En hotmodell skapades med hjĂ€lp av vehicleLang, the Meta Attack Language, och securiCAD. Hotmodellen skapades med existerande komponenter frĂ„n vehicleLang och en nyskapad Bluetooth komponent. Resultaten frĂ„n den systematiska litteraturöversikten anvĂ€ndes för att validera existerande komponenter frĂ„n vehicleLang och för implementationen av Bluetooth komponenten. För att evaluera modellen bads experter inom fordonssĂ€kerhet och/eller hotmodellering utvĂ€rdera modellen. Genom Cochran’s ekvation beslutades att Ă„tta expert utvĂ€rderingar skull införskaffas. TyvĂ€rr erhölls enbart sju utvĂ€rderingar, vilket motsvarar en ökning av felmarginalen frĂ„n 25% till 25.6%. Av de sju experter som utvĂ€rderade modellen identifierades dock inga kritiska brister. Kritiska sĂ€kerhetslösningar inkluderade anvĂ€ndandet av: kryptografi, ömsesidig autentisering, och on-the-fly decryption. Dessa försvar anses kunna skydda mot obehörig modifiering av programvara, samt skydda Öhlins intellektuella egendom i form av kĂ€llkod. Trots att det inte var möjligt att förhindra alla attacker skulle de identifierade försvaren öka systemets sĂ€kerhet, vilket Ă€r fördelaktigt inte bara för Öhlins utan Ă€ven trafikanter i allmĂ€nhet

    SÀkerhetsevaluering av stötdÀmparsystems kommunikation- och uppdateringsprocesser. : Hotmodellering med vehicleLang och securiCAD

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    As the automotive industry becomes increasingly reliant on digital systems it is of utmost importance that these systems are secure. Secure systems are of interest both for the general public as well as manufactures. This Master’s thesis evaluates potential cybersecurity solutions for a proposed damper system prototype developed by Öhlins Racing AB. A systematic literature study was performed to identify known vulnerabilities of similar systems as well as potential cybersecurity solutions. A threat model was constructed using vehicleLang, the Meta Attack Language, and securiCAD. The model was created utilizing preexisting assets from vehicleLang and a newly implemented Bluetooth asset. The result from the systematic literature study was used to validate preexisting attack steps and also to create the Bluetooth asset. To validate the model, experts in the field of automotive security and/or threat modeling were asked to assess the model. Using Cochran’s Equation, a target of eight expert evaluations were decided. Unfortunately, only seven evaluations were obtained, equivalent to an increase in the error margin from 25% to 26.6%. However, of the seven expert evaluations obtained none indicated the existence of critical flaws within the model. The model was therefore considered a good reflection of the damper system and its security aspects. Critical defenses included the utilization of cryptography, mutual authentication, and on-the-fly decryption. These defenses were shown to prevent unauthorized modifications of firmware and protect Öhlins intellectual property in form of source code. While it was not possible to defend against all attacks the identified defenses would increase the safety and security of the system, benefiting not only Öhlins but also overall road users. Allt eftersom fordonsindustrins beroende av digitala system ökar Ă€r det av yttersta vikt att dessa system Ă€r sĂ€kra. SĂ€kra system Ă€r av intresse för bĂ„de allmĂ€nheten likvĂ€l som för systemtillverkarna. Denna masteruppsats evaluerar potentiella cybersĂ€kerhetslösningar för en föreslagen stötdĂ€mparprototyp utvecklad av Öhlins Racing AB. En systematisk litteraturöversikt skapades med syfte att identifiera kĂ€nda sĂ„rbarheter av liknande system och potentiella cybersĂ€kerhetslösningar. En hotmodell skapades med hjĂ€lp av vehicleLang, the Meta Attack Language, och securiCAD. Hotmodellen skapades med existerande komponenter frĂ„n vehicleLang och en nyskapad Bluetooth komponent. Resultaten frĂ„n den systematiska litteraturöversikten anvĂ€ndes för att validera existerande komponenter frĂ„n vehicleLang och för implementationen av Bluetooth komponenten. För att evaluera modellen bads experter inom fordonssĂ€kerhet och/eller hotmodellering utvĂ€rdera modellen. Genom Cochran’s ekvation beslutades att Ă„tta expert utvĂ€rderingar skull införskaffas. TyvĂ€rr erhölls enbart sju utvĂ€rderingar, vilket motsvarar en ökning av felmarginalen frĂ„n 25% till 25.6%. Av de sju experter som utvĂ€rderade modellen identifierades dock inga kritiska brister. Kritiska sĂ€kerhetslösningar inkluderade anvĂ€ndandet av: kryptografi, ömsesidig autentisering, och on-the-fly decryption. Dessa försvar anses kunna skydda mot obehörig modifiering av programvara, samt skydda Öhlins intellektuella egendom i form av kĂ€llkod. Trots att det inte var möjligt att förhindra alla attacker skulle de identifierade försvaren öka systemets sĂ€kerhet, vilket Ă€r fördelaktigt inte bara för Öhlins utan Ă€ven trafikanter i allmĂ€nhet

    Lagring och visualisering av information om stötdÀmpare

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    Att genom simuleringar fÄ en förstÄelse för hur en stötdÀmpares instÀllningar pÄverkar dess egenskaper kan leda till förbÀttrad vÀghÄllning, ökad trafiksÀkerhet samt snabbare varvtider pÄ racerbanan. Genom att visualisera de simulerade data för att ge anvÀndare en uppfattning om hur instÀllningarna pÄ stötdÀmparen kommer att bete sig i praktiken.Det hÀr arbetet hade som mÄl att utforma en databas som efterliknar en stötdÀmpares egenskaper samt att visualisera dessa egenskaper pÄ en webbsida. Kravinsamling gjordes genom intervjuer med experter och information införskaffades via litteraturstudier. UtifrÄn insamlade krav och fallstudier utvecklades en relationsdatabas som innehÄller information om en dÀmpares komponenter och uppbyggnad samt ett visualiseringsverktyg dÀr egenskaperna hos dÀmparen visualiserades pÄ en webbsida. Databasen och visualiseringsverktyget sammanfogades sedan till en prototyp för att möjliggöra simulering av en dÀmpares egenskaper pÄ webben.Resultatet av fallstudierna visade att databashanteringssystemet MySQL och grafbiblioteket Chart.js var bÀst lÀmpade för prototypen utifrÄn de insamlade kraven. Funktionaliteten av protypen validerades av projektets uppdragsgivare och felmarginalen för simuleringarna var under 1%. Detta implicerar att databasmodellen som tagits fram hÄller god kvalitet och att resultatet visualiseras pÄ ett korrekt och förstÄeligt sÀtt.By perform simulations to achieve an understanding of how a shock absorbers setting affect its characteristics could result in improved road holding, increased roadworthiness and faster lap times at the racetrack. By visualizing the simulated data, users can get an understanding in how the settings on the shock absorber will behave.This work had as a goal to design a database that mimic a shock absorbers characteristic and to visualize these characteristics on a website. Requirements was gathered through interviews with experts and information was procured through literature studies. From the gathered requirements and case studies a relational database, that contain information about a shock absorbers components and construction, was developed. A visualization tool to visualize the characteristics of a shock absorber was also developed. The database and the visualization tool where then joined to create a prototype for simulating a shock absorbers characteristic on the web.The result from the case studies indicated that the database management system MySQL and the graph library Chart.js was best suited for the prototype, based on the collected requirements. The functionality of the prototype was validated by the client and the margin of error for the simulation was below 1%. This implies that the database model that has been produced is of good quality and that the visualization of the result is presented in a correct and apprehensible manner